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StandWithUs Counters Anti-Israel Billboard in Israel May 15, 2019

Updated: May 14, 2019

(Tel Aviv, May 12, 2019) Israel education organization StandWithUs was quick to respond to the “Breaking the Silence” (BTS) campaign when BTS used the opportunity of the Eurovision incoming tourism to Israel to promote politicized tours. Breaking the Silence are a small group of disgruntled soldiers who regularly appear at international forums to defame Israel and Israeli soldiers.

Breaking the Silence erected a billboard (see photos) contrasting an image of Tel Aviv with that of the anti-terror Security Barrier.

In response, StandWithUs will host a massive vertical billboard that towers over the prominent Ayalon Freeway beginning May 15 and running for a week. It will state: “Dare to Dream for Peace, for Security, for Coexistence - Join our Tours - See the Full Picture" and will lead people to the StandWithUs website to select from a series of tours. The tours include visits to the Gush Etzion area and to Haifa and Nazareth – to show guests how peaceful coexistence is taking place on a daily basis between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs, and between Palestinians and Jews living in the West Bank. Peace and coexistence are a reality in daily life, business and in civil society. 

StandWithUs CEO, Roz Rothstein, currently visiting Israel, said: “As soon as we found out about this campaign we acted. Within an hour we had plans to promote our own tours on a giant billboard. We have never, and we will never, leave the playing field to those who tell lies about Israel. Breaking the Silence has been widely discredited for misleading people, and we don’t want tourists to fall for their deception.”

StandWithUs Israel Executive Director Michael Dickson said: “Breaking the Silence is making a desperate and cynical attempt to divert from the positivite celebration of Eurovision being hosted in Israel in order to defame the Jewish State. The truth is that there is no silence to break. While they may seek to present a one-sided, politicized viewpoint, we will show a forward-facing, open and honest view of how the future could look with peace and security for all. I am confident that tourists will enjoy themselves in Israel and get a chance to see our open society and how Israel is a beacon of light to the world."

Tours with StandWithUs can be booked via the website at:


About StandWithUs

StandWithUs is an 18 year old international Israel education organization. We are inspired by our love for Israel and the belief that education is the road to peace.

StandWithUs is dedicated to educating people of all ages about Israel and to combating the extremism and anti-Semitism that often distorts the issues. We believe that knowledge of the facts will correct common prejudices about the Arab-Israeli conflict, and will promote discussions and policies that can help promote peace in the region.

We educate via cutting-edge campaigns, materials, speakers, programs, conferences and missions to Israel. We reach millions of people globally via a multitude of social media platforms in 18 different languages. We ensure that the story of Israel’s achievements and ongoing challenges is told in middle schools, in high schools, on college campuses and in communities around the world.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, StandWithUs has eighteen offices and chapters across the U.S., Canada, Israel and in the UK, with our flagship Education Center in the heart of Jerusalem. We also host programs in Latin America, South Africa, China, Europe and Australia.

StandWithUs has the highest Charity Navigator rating - 4 out of 4 stars - and the highest rating on GuideStar - platinum level.



StandWithUs (SWU) is an international and non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism.

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Fiscal Management: for the last eleven consecutive years StandWithUs has obtained the highest possible ratings from two preeminent rating agencies:

GuideStar and Charity Navigator

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