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StandWithUs' annual “Festival of Lights” gala 2024 was heartfelt, inspiring and memorable, and a true display of resilience and solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

StandWithUs's (SWU) annual "Festival of Lights" (FOL) gala celebrated the organization's 23rd anniversary, with an evening devoted to those brave people who support Israel despite the hardships it may cause them. Held on December 15, 2024 at the Fairmont Century City, the event gathered more than 850 people.

Titled, "An Evening to Stand With Israel and Fight Antisemitism," it was co-sponsored by board members Ellie and Bruce Lederman and Debbie and Naty Saidoff, whose generosity brings everyone together each year to showcase StandWithUs' growth, international presence and impact. All proceeds raised at the FOL galas are directed toward its mission of Israel education and combating antisemitism.

Once again, Naty Saidoff conducted the fundraising portion of the evening. Special recognition was given to Leo David and David Wiener for being such extraordinary role models.

Naty Saidoff
Naty Saidoff
(left to right) Leo David and David Weiner
(left to right) Leo David and David Weiner

Co-founded in 2001 by its CEO Roz Rothstein, its COO Jerry Rothstein and its international president Esther Renzer, StandWithUs is a leader in the fight against antisemitism and in educating about Israel on campuses, in high schools, in middle schools, on social media, and in communities. Based in Los Angeles and with chapters and programs throughout the United States, Canada, Israel, the UK, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, the Netherlands and Australia, SWU combats misinformation and dispenses accurate facts about Israel daily in different languages on various platforms to millions of people worldwide. Since October 7, 2023, its social media platforms have garnered over 2 billion interactions.

Roz Rothstein, the daughter of two Holocaust Survivors, told the audience that during this continuing difficult time, professors, media and others must be held accountable for their lies about Israel. She thanked the attendees for helping SWU continue to elevate the truth through its many departments including social media, the Holocaust Education Center, K-12 Fairness Center, Research and Strategy, Data & Analytics, the Saidoff Legal Department and Center for Legal Justice and its campus Emerson Fellowship, Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship and middle school program IsraelLINK, among others. She emphasized that this is our moment, our time to be the guardians of truth, to keep working together, and, be an example to the next generation of the true meaning of never giving up and living the promise of never again.

(Left to right) StandWithUs co-founder and COO Jerry Rothstein; SWU co-founder and CEO Roz Rothstein; keynote speaker Eylon Levy; comedian Dan Ahdoot; honoree John Ondrasik; honoree Betty Srour; Montana Tucker, emcee and honoree; honoree Eli Tsives; honorary Patricia Heaton; FOL co-sponsors Ellie and Bruce Lederman; FOL co-sponsor Debbie Saidoff; SWU co-founder and President Esther Renzer, FOL co-sponsor Naty Saidoff.
(Left to right) StandWithUs co-founder and COO Jerry Rothstein; SWU co-founder and CEO Roz Rothstein; keynote speaker Eylon Levy; comedian Dan Ahdoot; honoree John Ondrasik; honoree Betty Srour; Montana Tucker, emcee and honoree; honoree Eli Tsives; honorary Patricia Heaton; FOL co-sponsors Ellie and Bruce Lederman; FOL co-sponsor Debbie Saidoff; SWU co-founder and President Esther Renzer, FOL co-sponsor Naty Saidoff.

StandWithUs co-founder and international president Esther Renzer welcomed the audience and introduced Emmy-award winning actress Patricia Heaton of Everyone Loves Raymond and founder of October 7th Coalition (O7C), a nonprofit to help Christians stand with their Jewish brothers and sisters for Israel.

Former Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy, and host of "State of the Nation" podcast was the keynote speaker. Emceed by actress, influencer and activist Montana Tucker, the event honored platinum selling songwriter and lead singer for "Five for Fighting" John Ondrasik. As a special surprise, Roz, Jerry and Esther presented Patricia and Montana with the StandWithUs "Guardian of Israel" award. Headline comedian Dan Ahdoot regaled the audience.

Patricia Heaton presented with the Guardian of Israel award by Roz Rothstein.
Patricia Heaton presented with the Guardian of Israel award by Roz Rothstein.

Montana Tucker receives the "Guardian of Israel" award from StandWithUs COO Jerry Rothstein, CEO Roz Rothstein and president Esther Renzer.
Montana Tucker receives the "Guardian of Israel" award from StandWithUs COO Jerry Rothstein, CEO Roz Rothstein and president Esther Renzer.
Comedian Dan Ahdoot
Comedian Dan Ahdoot

As it does every year, StandWithUs chooses two student leaders who exemplify courage and resilience in the face of the antisemitism they experienced to receive the "Star of David" award. 

Eli Tsives, UCLA, exposed the lack of knowledge of a teacher blaming Israel for genocide and, the hypocrisy of the people running the encampment who blocked the quad leading to Eli's class in videos that went viral. On a panel at UCLA, Dr. Phil Primetime asked him where he learned to do this. Eli credited the StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship. He said the program not only teaches you, but teaches you how to teach others. Eli's Star of David Award was presented to him by Perri Polansky, a representative of the Kenneth Leventhal Foundation.  

(Left to right): StandWithUs (SWU) co-founder and President Esther Renzer; Steve and Rita Emerson, founders of the Emerson Fellowship; Star of David honorees Betty Srour and Eli Tsives; Perri Polansky, Kenneth Leventhal Foundation; Roz Rothstein, SWU co-founder and CEO; Jerry Rothstein, SWU co-founder and COO.
(Left to right): StandWithUs (SWU) co-founder and President Esther Renzer; Steve and Rita Emerson, founders of the Emerson Fellowship; Star of David honorees Betty Srour and Eli Tsives; Perri Polansky, Kenneth Leventhal Foundation; Roz Rothstein, SWU co-founder and CEO; Jerry Rothstein, SWU co-founder and COO.

Betty Srour, from the University of Miami, was a StandWithUs Emerson Fellow and now the Campus Liaison. She credited the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department with helping her brother as one of the reasons she became an Emerson. Her "Star of David" Award was given to her by Rita and Steve Emerson, the founders of the Emerson Fellowship.  

Yael Lerman, director of the Saidoff Legal Department, took the stage and reviewed the many successes the department has had. She thanked the audience for giving it the means to expand its capacity by increasing staff to handle the sheer volume of antisemitism complaints. The Saidoff legal team has grown 3x since October 7 and was told by the complainants we help, that StandWithUs has the fastest response time to antisemitic complaints. Yael pointed to the new booklet listing the Saidoff Legal Department and Center for Legal Justice (SCLJ)'s "Actions & Success" July through December 24, 2024.

Copies of the booklet were in the gift bags along with a poster by Arthur Szyk and a copy of the New York Times newspaper that announced the rebirth of the State of Israel in 1948.

Yael Lerman, Director StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department
Yael Lerman, Director StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department

Jerry Rothstein introduced a new StandWithUs' campus initiative: StaySAFE. He explained that college students must be physically and mentally prepared to fight for their sense of safety in addition to fighting for hearts and minds in the debate about Israel. A survey by StandWithUs Data & Analytics department reveals that 53% of the student participants feared that the threat of antisemitic attacks would affect their participation in events and classes, and that having a security escort would influence their decision to attend instead of skipping them. The Center includes legal support through the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department and SCLJ, martial arts training and other forms of self-defense and safety, first aid, campus security escorts and self-care resources, including professional mental health support. Partners include: StandStrong, Magen Am, BetterHelp Business, CPR Ready and a new June app for tracking antisemitic events and the locations of threatening events on campus.

Jerry Rothstein, StandWithUs co-founder and COO
Jerry Rothstein, StandWithUs co-founder and COO

Israel Bachar, Consul General of Israel to the Pacific Southwest said that from Day 1, we asked SWU to stand with Israel and "you always have, and we know that you always will." He shared a powerful message: “The enemies of peace will not prevail.” Israel’s resilience and determination in the face of adversity are unmatched, and for that reason it will always win. We will not back down in the fight against antisemitism, and together, we stand stronger than ever."

Israel Bachar, Consul General of Israel to the Pacific Southwest
Israel Bachar, Consul General of Israel to the Pacific Southwest

Rabbi Cantor Alison Wissot and her daughter Abby who is a StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal High School Intern, sang the American Anthem. Ellie Rostami, Ami Popper and Eliana Geft of The Harkem Hillel Hebrew Academy children’s choir, sang Hatikva.

A piano appeared onstage and John Ondrasik played and sang his two classic songs, Superman and 100 Years. He commended people who left their comfortable lives and assumed other roles such as volunteering in the IDF to help Israel. He said that its people like these who give us the impetus to keep on going during these trying times.

John Ondrasik
John Ondrasik

Montana Tucker said she followed StandWithUs for some time and recognized the organization's role as an influencer. She marveled at the effectiveness of StandWithUs Canada and showed a video of herself dancing with the Leventhal Interns and Emerson Fellows reminding all that "We Will Dance Again!"

Patricia Heaton said she was “outraged” at what happened on October 7 and the ensuing protests blaming Israel for the massacre on campuses and on streets. She looked around when October 7th happened, but could not find other Christian organizations speaking up, so she decided to found her own nonprofit: O7C. She spoke of the tireless hours she and her partner spent helping Christians activate to be as visibly and vocally supportive of Israel and the Jewish people and fight antisemitism as the anti-Israel side was. And she has not stopped her efforts.

Keynote speaker Eylon Levy was introduced by Bruce Lederman. British born and educated, Bruce reminded the audience of Eylon's stunned silence and "eyebrow raise" to a SkyNews reporter's accusation about Israel and his response went viral.

Eylon Levy
Eylon Levy

The audience was transfixed as Eylon recounted Israel's victories in the past year against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the Houthis and stressed how much the world needs to thank Israel for making it a safer place for all of us to live. He said we in the Diaspora need to stay connected in this global drama and support Israel to its fullest potential and keep it safe so it can continue to keep the world safe. Eylon said the IDF soldiers are giving it their all without asking for recognition. He said last year was filled with the "unthinkable" and taking this scenario into account, he left the audience with an image of the world in peace.

There was an exciting silent auction with art, jewelry and trips.

Following the main event, SWU held a Young Professionals after-party with lots of music, dance, a photo booth and even a candy bar!

Photo Credits:

Nathan Szwerdszarf

Jonah Light Photography

Michelle Mivzari

Orly Halevy



StandWithUs (SWU) is an international and non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism.

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© 2025 by StandWithUs

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