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Colorado Jewish Community Statement on Today’s Attack and Upcoming Anti-Israel Events

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the October 1, 2024 massive bombardment of 180 ballistic missiles fired at Israel by Iran, as well as terror attacks in Tel Aviv and in Jaffa that killed anywhere from six-to-eight people and wounded several others.


We stand in solidarity with the Israeli people during this moment of uncertainty, and we will work tirelessly to ensure Israel is safe. That’s why earlier today, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) sent a letter to every member of Colorado’s congressional delegation urging them to stand with Israel and help defend it from the Iranian threat.


We recognize that this is a difficult time for the Colorado Jewish community. This coming Monday marks one year since Hamas terrorists launched a barbaric attack that killed more than 1,200 innocent people in Israel, including 35 Americans, and took 251 people from Israel hostage, including children, women, and elderly people. Jews around the world will come together on October 7 to share our collective pain and hopes for a peaceful future. Taking place between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and amidst fears of a wider war, the anniversary feels even heavier, and many Jews feel especially vulnerable.


Sadly, some will choose to mark this somber occasion by protesting Israel and villainizing Jews. National groups are calling for a “Week of Rage” starting on October 7, and we are aware of many local events with similarly hateful and callous messages. The fact that these events correspond with the anniversary of a terrorist attack—and not Israel’s military response—exposes the true aims and character of many of these agitators.


Seeing and hearing about these events will be hard for our local Jewish community. They will make us uneasy as we gather in large groups to commemorate the High Holy Days and October 7. This is understandable.


We want to reassure you that our community organizations are closely monitoring the situation and coordinating to keep the Jewish community safe. The JCRC, in partnership with Secure Community Network (SCN), is working with security advisors and public officials. The Anti-Defamation League is keeping its partners in law enforcement and school districts informed. Our Hillels and other campus groups are ready to support students. They and countless other organizations are providing their members and the community with tools and resources to combat antisemitism and anti-Zionism.


The Colorado Jewish community wants peace and mourns all the innocent human lives lost over the past year. We stand united and ready to meet the moment.


L'shanah tovah tikatev v'taihatem (May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year):


Stop Antisemitism Colorado and the Jewish Community Relations Council, on behalf of its 39 member organizations (listed below) and twelve At-Large members:


Anti-Defamation League

Aspen Jewish Congregation


B'nai B'rith Colorado

B'nai Havurah

B'nai Vail

Boulder Chapter of Hadassah

Boulder Haver Rabbinic Council

Boulder JCC

Congregation Bonai Shalom

Congregation Har HaShem

Congregation Har Mishpacha

Congregation Rodef Shalom

Denver Kehillah

Denver Academy of Torah

Denver Jewish Day School

East Denver Orthodox Synagogue

Hadassah Greater Denver

Hebrew Educational Alliance

Hillel Academy

Hillel of Colorado

Israeli American Council

J Street Education Fund

Jewish Family Service

Jewish National Fund

Jewish War Veterans

Judaism Your Way

Kavod Senior Life

Mizel Institute

National Council of Jewish Women, Colorado Section

Rocky Mountain Rabbis and Cantors

Shalom Park

Staenberg-Loup Jewish Community Center


Temple Emmanuel

Temple Shalom

Temple Sinai

Young Israel Denver


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