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Coalition of Colorado Organizations Praises Town of Superior for Historic Vote to Condemn Antisemitism

Unanimous Passage of Resolution Denouncing Students for a Democratic Society for Hate Speech, Antisemitism, and Racism in Front of  CU Regent’s Home is First-of-Its-Kind in the Nation

(Superior, CO – June 11, 2024) — A coalition of Colorado organizations working together to address the rise in antisemitism across the state praised the Town of Superior Board of Trustees for its unanimous passage of Resolution R-27 on June 10. The resolution condemns Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) for its “hate speech, antisemitism, and racism directed at Jewish people in the town of Superior,” and was introduced in response to a protest organized by SDS on June 1, 2024 in front of CU Regent Callie Rennison’s home. Supporters and community members spoke in favor of the resolution to a standing-room only crowd; no opposition spoke against the proclamation. This is the first time any municipality in the country has called out an organization for promoting antisemitic hate speech.

Stop Antisemitism Colorado, The Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado, ADL Mountain States Region, StandWithUs, and the Israeli American Council issued the following statement: 

“After eight months of fighting anti-Israel resolutions, BDS legislation, campus protests, and increased incidents of antisemitism, we are deeply grateful to Mayor Mark Lacis and the Town of Superior Trustees for taking a bold stand against antisemitism. This is the first time that any municipality in the country has condemned the hate speech that is creating an unsafe environment for Jews, and we hope this will set an example for others to follow.

“Superior serves as an example of what it means to stand up to antisemitism and be an ally to the Jewish community. Our town has a strong history of coming together and supporting each other in times of crisis. This vote sends a clear message that hatred of any kind will not be tolerated in this town, and that we will make sure our community is a safe place for all cultures, faiths, and beliefs to live,” said Stefanie Clarke, co-founder of Stop Antisemitism Colorado and Superior resident.

“While the SDS protest was intended to bully and intimidate an elected official at her home, violating the boundaries of privacy and decency, the rhetoric and antisemitic chants were directed at the Jewish and Israeli communities. StandWithUs applauds the Town of Superior for courageously standing up to this hate. This is an important, teachable moment that we must continue to build on with more education about the Jewish people, Israel, and antisemitism,” said Miri Kornfeld, director of StandWithUs Colorado.

“Since the October 7 attack, the Jewish Community Relations Council has rarely had the opportunity to thank an elected body for taking bold action to specifically call out hate speech against the Jewish Community. We are grateful for the unique leadership exhibited by both CU Regent Board Chair Rennison and the entire Superior Town Board of Trustees.” said Matt Most, Acting Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado.


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