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StandWithUs Reaffirms Opposition to All Forms of Racism and Support for Israeli Democracy

As a non-partisan Israel education organization, StandWithUs cannot advocate for or against parties or policies in Israeli (or American) elections.

That said, we can and do strongly condemn racism and support for terrorism, whether such rhetoric comes from Palestinian leaders, extremist politicians in Israel, or bigots anywhere else. In the 1980s and 1990s Israel banned parties like Kach and Kahane Chai for inciting hate,and designated them as terrorist groups. Then, as now, it was clear that engaging in racism against Arabs and supporting terrorism against Palestinians is antithetical to Israel's guiding principles as a state.

In closing, we reaffirm our respect for Israeli democracy and our pride in Israel's values as a Jewish and democratic state. We look forward to seeing those values in action during Israel's upcoming election.


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