75 years of
Israeli Creativity
and Innovation
For 75 years, Israelis have been developing creative solutions to everyday problems. The country even has its own high-tech industrial center, known as Silicon Wadi (wadi means valley in Arabic). From inventing water-saving technologies like drip irrigation in 1960, to life-saving medical technologies like the Pill Cam, to modern smartphone apps like Waze, Israeli innovations have empowered people around the world to live better and overcome some of their biggest challenges.
Medical Marijuana Research
As world leaders in medical marijuana research, Israelis have developed incredible medical innovations that have helped treat people across the globe coping with Cancer, Parkinson's, PTSD, and many other conditions. 📷 Miriam Alster/Flash90

Creativity and Innovation
The Pillcam is an FDA-approved, digestible, disposable camera that transmits data to a receiver outside the body. Designed by Israeli company Given Imaging, the PillCam is used worldwide to diagnose infection, intestinal disorders, and cancers in the digestive system.

Creativity and Innovation
Desalination is the process of converting salt water into fresh water. Since the 1960s, Israel has been a global leader in desalination technology. Today, three quarters of the water consumed by Israelis comes from the sea and is filtered in one of the country’s numerous desalination plants. 📷 Isaac Harari/Flash90

Creativity and Innovation
Founded in 2008, Israeli company Waze transformed the world of GPS navigation technology for smartphones. Waze uses user-submitted route updates and travel times to find the most effective route. The technology was bought by Google for over $1.3 billion in 2013. 📷 Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Creativity and Innovation
“Sensing the Future” is the mission statement of Mobileye, an Israeli automotive tech company valued at $10 billion USD. Mobileye developed technology to alert drivers of potential hazards on the road, which is used by more than 25 global automakers to enhance driving safety. 📷 Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Creativity and Innovation
Israel’s First Astronaut
After a long career in the Israeli Air Force, Ilan Ramon became Israel’s first astronaut. Though not religious, Ramon was the first astronaut to request kosher food for his space flights, and he took a miniature Torah scroll into space with him. Ramon died as a crew member aboard the ill-fated U.S. space shuttle Columbia, which fell apart as it re-entered earth’s atmosphere.