75 years of
Israeli Diplomacy
Over the last 75 years, Israelis have faced multiple wars, threats of annihilation, and waves of terrorism. While Israel has created a strong military to protect its citizens from attack, Israelis have also prioritized diplomacy, negotiations, and peace with their neighbors. Recent diplomatic breakthroughs have brought new political alliances, expanded economic agreements, and increased security cooperation. So far, Israel has made peace with Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan, and is working to sign agreements with others in the region. Though significant work remains in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, countless Israelis are working with their Palestinian neighbors to build trust, cooperation, and lay the foundation for a better future at a grassroots level.
Oslo Accords
In 1993, Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed a treaty called the Oslo Accords, officially launching Israeli-Palestinian peace process. This created the Palestinian Authority to govern parts of the West Bank and Gaza where the vast majority of Palestinians live. However, Oslo was quickly followed by a wave of Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians, the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a far right Israeli extremist, and other major challenges.

Israeli Diplomacy
2008 Israeli Peace Offer
In 2008, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made a major peace offer to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, which would have led to a Palestinian state in virtually all of the West Bank and Gaza. Abbas never responded, effectively rejecting the offer. 📷 Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Israeli Diplomacy
Diplomatic Alliances Around the World
Israel has built a robust network of diplomatic relationships around the world over the last 75 years, based on shared values and strategic interests, along with security, technology, trade, and cultural ties. Its strongest alliances have been with the United States, Canada, the UK, and the European Union. In recent years it has also developed closer ties with states such as India, Rwanda, and Brazil.

Israeli Diplomacy
Peace Treaty Between Israel and Jordan
In 1994, after three years of negotiations, Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty that ended nearly 50 years of belligerency between the two nations. Despite ongoing tensions, the two countries cooperate on many economic and security issues, and Jordan continues to play a role in administering Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. 📷 Moshe Shai/FLASH90

Israeli Diplomacy
Peace Treaty Between Israel and Egypt
In 1977, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was invited to visit Jerusalem by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. This began a peace process that resulted in a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979. In 1982, as part of the treaty, Israel returned the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. This was 93% of all the territory Israel gained in the 1967 Six-Day War. 📷 Hadas Parush/Flash90

Israeli Diplomacy
Camp David Negotiations
In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat met for peace negotiations at Camp David, hosted by U.S. President Bill Clinton. Clinton put forward a peace plan which would have led to the creation of a Palestinian state in 97% the West Bank and all of Gaza, with its capital in eastern Jerusalem. Barak accepted the plan, but Arafat rejected it and made no counteroffer - a decision Clinton later called “a colossal historical blunder.”

Israeli Diplomacy
The Abraham Accords
In August 2020, Israel and the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement to make peace and establish normal diplomatic relations. The agreement was titled the Abraham Accords, in honor of the patriarch of the Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This was followed by a series of historic treaties with Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan, and diplomatic outreach to other states in the region as well.