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Booklets 🇬🇧

Through a generous partnership with Evelyn and Dr. Shmuel Katz, StandWithUs has been able to produce cutting-edge print material for over a decade. Students, community members, and activists worldwide have used our renowned booklets and brochures to educate the public about Israel.
Some of our most popular booklets and brochures include “Jewish Refugees in the Middle East”; “Only Israel”, which highlights Israel’s accomplishments and leadership in technology, business, medicine, humanitarianism, and civil rights; and “25 Short Answers to Tough Questions”, which provides short, informative answers to the most common misconceptions about Israel and the conflict.
Our signature primer on Israel, “Israel 101”, tells the story of Israel's history, politics, geography, Zionism, people, and culture. The updated version contains information on the war against Hamas, the Iranian nuclear threat, and the “soft” war against Israel known as “BDS.” It is now available in multiple languages.
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